Step Out: To Stop Diabetes

Yesterday I had the honor to be apart of the annual Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes here in Kansas City. The walk started out in the park across from the Nelson Atkins art museum and we walked along brush creek to the country club plaza then back to the park. All in all it was about 2.5 miles in some of the nicest weather, along some gorgeous scenery. I walked with the team from my mom’s work North Kansas City Hospital and my brother in law and his kids walked for Team Subway (he owns several Subway restaurants)

Team North Kansas City

Team North Kansas City

Team Leaders

Team Leaders

My family me, my mom Georgieanna, my sister Angela, my nephew Drake, and my niece Hailey.

My family me, my mom Georgieanna, my sister Angela, my nephew Drake, and my niece Hailey.

my brother in law Jeremy and niece Cloe

my brother in law Jeremy and niece Cloe


As a health care professional I know all to well the horrible side effects that diabetes can have on the human body. Amputations of toes and feet is common a long with diabetic neuropathy (loss of sensation in feet and hands). Often times I have to teach people how to compensate for loss of sensation so they can still live as independently as possible. We use our hands so much and never stop to think things like “How would I know my bathwater was too hot if I couldn’t feel it with my fingers?” and I have to teach people to use a thermometer since their hands can’t feel. Or teach them how to do skin checks on feet and hands since any cut or sore can lead to disastrous consequences up to and including amputation. Then I have to help rehab them to get them (hopefully) back to where they can live independently as possible. Often times they can’t and wind up either living with family or in long term care.

This is why I walked yesterday…for all my past and future patients affected by this disease.

Everyone who came out

Everyone who came out

Long line of walkers

Long line of walkers

Waterfall along the walk

Waterfall along the walk

One day I hope we can cure diseases like diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s….this is my dream!

Tomorrow back to my regularly scheduled pinning post! Have a good day!

Random Funnies

Often times I will pin things I find hilarious so that way when i get feeling sad I can look at them and laugh! Often times I will direct them at people in my life, via Facebook, to make them laugh too. Most often they are directed at my best friend, really like a sister, Larysa because we have the same humor and she would just “get” the joke!

The board:

My best friend knows what to do!

My best friend knows what to do!

I prefer either Arbor Mist blackberry, last time we drank I woke up with a headache and vague memories of a lot of laughing!, or Moscato D’Asti 😉



The last one she found especially funny since she is a mom to 5 kids and they often don’t listen to her! Often times I will go with her (and take my 1 child) and help her corral her kids so she can do her shopping. I love those kids dearly but after 20 minutes of “Moooooooooooom Lily touched me!” “No I didn’t! But Aiden hit mmmmeeeeeeeee!!!” I am amazed she still has custody of them all (kidding)!

This is SO us!

This is SO us!

Sounds fun huh??

And one final funny:


I HATE Twilight..cannot stand the movies…books…fandom…ANYTHING! So when I found this I started laughing so hard and couldn’t stop because it, IMO, is so true! I watched Buffy as a teen and I loved how she was a strong, positive role model for girls. She didn’t need to be save 24/7! Nope she kicked ass and had fun doing it! Now girl’s look at Bella and want to be her….WHY???…it boggles my mind because she doesn’t do anything as cool as Buffy did. Not to mention the fact that real vampires do not SPARKLE!!! Ugh….

Anyways hope you enjoyed these pins…because they make me laugh all the time!


Happy pinning!